Does Beauty Matter?: The One in Beauty

Makeup is not necessary.

Tomorrow morning I could wake up, enjoy my usual morning routine, forget to put my makeup on, and the world would keep on going.

However, my world would feel very self-conscious – it would trip in front of people it was trying to impress, wouldn't manage to express its thoughts in front of the professor it wants to work with, and it would feel unforgivably silly throughout the day. At the end of the day, this little world would hide under the duvet with a bottle of wine – and probably spill the wine on the bed to top a perfect day.

In my world, makeup is necessary.

I never quite managed to make sense of it until very recently, nor was I able to enjoy it without a small portion of self-judgement.

‘This person in the mirror that I see and like is not actually me; it's a fake-me, a fraud.’

It took time and Dita Von Teese's book 'Your Beauty Mark' for me to accept something I had already unwittingly embraced. When I put makeup on, I'm not hiding my true self, I'm creating it. Thank you, Dita.

This is the face I want to be remembered by. Flaming red lips and lashes curvier than a mountain road. This is the face I want people to look at while I speak and move. And, I want to do it free of prejudice.

That is the dream, at least. Because life is sometimes much different.

I still have to learn to refrain from picking fights with strangers on the internet, especially when I see people being judged for their wearing or not wearing makeup. You will surely come to know me; it is almost impossible for me not to pick a fight: I am small and ready to battle. Do not tell me I cannot wear my shining moonlight diamond-y champagne highlighter and be a serious person. Do not tell me a woman has to wear makeup in order to be and feel beautiful and feminine.

Do not tell me, or anyone, what to do with their faces.

If I could, I'd have this tattooed, but I am mortally scared of needles so I will leave it here, instead. Think of these words as the motto of The Attic's Beauty section.

As Beauty Editor, it is not my intent to tell anyone what they should do. I am not a trained makeup artist or beautician – it would be absurd to pretend an expertise I simply don't have. I am just an opinionated weirdo who loves painting her face.

What this window from The Attic wishes to offer instead is a perspective on beauty. For example, articles will not just centre around makeup. We will try to present a view on a larger discourse, about industry, philosophy, misogyny, about the things that need to be improved and the things we like the most. You, Reader, will find in this section an extravaganza of content that will hopefully help to liberate a field that is in equal measure hated and loved.

The goal? To encourage everyone to embrace their idea of beauty and embrace the positive feelings behind self-care and self-love.

Happy Reading!
